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clément morin
@clement-morin5 years ago
@clement-morin is now following @three-of-a-mind
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clément morin
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I am a fan of music alll kind

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About Us clément morin

Here is the text that I am sending to the participants of my project, which I would like to have you read as well, in order to show you how serious it is and more details about the project.

Hello member of this radio station because you had sent songs to the project "The musical world ON THE AIR THE ARTIST".  
Here is now how this beloved radio station works. At the moment I have nearly 200 artists for the music station. I have started producing short podcasts of a few minutes.  These podcasts are used to introduce each participant of this project.  These podcasts will be broadcasted on the host Spreaker,Podomatic and Dj pod . They will also be on my official radio website on WIX.  Here is a link of my promotion of this project for socio-financing. This link will give you an idea of this site and as you will see, the project is now dedicated to all artistic forms.
About this site, I hired a professional to build it.  You will be pleasantly surprised by the visual quality and by its construction...

I have also created satellite sites, these are specifically dedicated to each category of my participants and through these sites I present through blogs more in detail each of the artists and there will be videos of the artists who are members of this you tube project.  

In conclusion, I would like you to continue to be a member of this project...

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